Enable URL Redirects Using Acuity.

Learn how you can use your Acuity account to facilitate URL redirects!

Important note!

Acuity is NOT able to facilitate large numbers of redirects. This is because there is a character limit. Typically, Acuity can accommodate between 20-30 redirects per Acuity account. After that, you would need to host them outside of Acuity. 

If you need to host them outside of Acuity, this would be done on your own business servers. Because everyone has a different server setup, we are not able to provide a "How to" for that. 

If you come to the point in which you need to host your redirects outside of Acuity, we recommend contracting an IT person to help you. If you don't have an IT person on staff, you can use applications like Upwork or Fiverr to meet those needs. 

Okay, now that we got that sorted, lets show you how to set up redirects through Acuity!


First we need to gather the information you will need. You will need 2 specific things. Please remember these are case sensitive! 

  1. The Appointment Type Name (Make sure there are no special characters in it like * or &)
    1. For this example, we are using an appointment type called, "Schedule My Appointment"
  2. The URL to the page we are redirecting to after a prospect schedules their appointment.
    1. For this example our URL to the redirect page is - https://gymlaunch.clickfunnels.com/redirect-after-scheduleib4i44qo


Now we are going to edit the code we will need. Below you will see the templated code, as well as the edited code we are using for this example. 

Templated Code

<script type="text/javascript">if("%appointmentType%"==="APPOINTMENT TYPE NAME")
window.top.location = 'REDIRECT URL';

Edited Code

<script type="text/javascript">if("%appointmentType%"==="Schedule My Appointment")
window.top.location = 'https://gymlaunch.clickfunnels.com/redirect-after-scheduleib4i44qo';


Log into your Acuity account. Once logged in, select "Integrations" from the left hand menu. 



Here you will see all of the integration abilities that Acuity offers. Scroll through these until you find, "Custom Conversion Tracking". Once you have found it, click the black, "Edit" button below it. 



To the right, a text box will have become available. In this box you will paste in your edited code and click "Save Settings"



Now that it is saved, anytime someone books an appointment under that appointment type they should be redirected to the URL that you edited the code with. All you have to do now is test it to make sure it works. So, opt in to your funnel, schedule and appointment, and see where it takes you. 


If you change the name of your Appointment Type, or edit your redirect URL, this will break. You need to make sure you are editing the code as you edit any corresponding components. 

As always, if you need help with this, just reach out to our support team by clicking on the chat bubble!