How Do I Clean A URL Path?

Looking for help to clean your "Dirty" URL path? We can help! Check this article out!

Why is it important to clean your URL path?

There are two primary reasons you want to make sure that your URL paths are clean. 

  1. To ensure clients are being directed to the correct pages. When paths are "dirty", you may risk people being directed to the wrong pages. 
  2. Tracking data. Your pages will likely be tracked with a Facebook Pixel. Ensuring that your pathways are accurate is incredibly important so that you can track prospective lead behavior properly. 

How to clean URL pathways:

A "dirty" URL pathway is a pathway that contains a long string of numbers or letters at the end. 

Follow these steps to clean your pathways. 

Important! Make sure that your domain has already been set.

Step 1

Navigate to your Clickfunnels or GoHighLevel account. Once there, navigate to the funnel that you are working with. 

Once you have the funnel up that you are working with, make sure you are under the "Steps" area. Once there, click on the Settings Cog beside the URL. 

Below are screenshots of both Clickfunnels and GoHighLevel for reference.





Step 2

Once the you have clicked on that Settings cog, you will be able to edit the pathway for the end of the URL.

Make sure that the pathway text is unique. Generally, we recommend that the pathway is something like, "businessname-welcome", or "businessname-schedule", or "businessname-thankyou". 

Once you have edited your path, just click to save. 





Step 3

Finally, you just need to update the second Settings cog under the control page. Once that pops up, change the paths to be identical to the paths you set in Step 2. Then click to save. 





Important Note

  • While completing Step 3, you may notice that there are numbers at the end. This may look as though the URL is dirty. However, this is perfectly okay so long as there are only numbers visible within the popup of Step 3.