Can I Change My Calendar Name In Acuity?

Not by yourself. But, if you reach out to our support team we can help!

The Calendar name is fetched by ALAN. Any change to the calendar name will stop the integration and cause ALAN and Acuity to no longer sync properly. 

If you would like to change the name of your calendar just reach out to our support team and we can help you with that change and ensure that ALAN doesn't break!


It is INCREDIBLY important that you are very mindful of any edits you make once your ALAN build has been completed. 

Our team has integrated all of the platforms together and fetched the data needed. This means that if you make edits to any components of your build, you risk breaking the setup. 

Below you will find a list of all the things you CAN and CANNOT edit. 

Don't Edit/Change the following: 

❌ Calendar Names
❌ Funnel Names
❌ Funnel Hardcoding

You CAN make the following Edits/changes: 

✔️ Update Availability in Acuity
✔️ Pictures / Text within funnels
✔️ Funnel Templates (Only by submitting a request to our team to edit for you)

✔️ Appointment Type Name Changes (Be mindful of your redirects)

✔️ Domain and URL path changes (Be mindful of your redirects)

If you are concerned that an edit you want to make may "break" ALAN, just reach out to our team and we can help you avoid any trouble with that!